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Matters needing attention in abrasive flow and fluid polishing I

2020-11-18 11:27:03

     Matters needing attention in abrasive flow and fluid polishing I

    Ⅰ Pay attention to the following points when polishing with sandpaper:

    ① Polishing with sandpaper requires the use of soft wood sticks or bamboo sticks. When polishing round or spherical surfaces, the use of cork rods can better match the curvature of the round and spherical surfaces. The harder wood strips, like cherry wood, are more suitable for polishing flat surfaces. The ends of the wooden strips are trimmed to keep them consistent with the surface shape of the steel parts, so as to prevent the sharp angles of the wooden strips (or bamboo strips) from contacting the surface of the steel parts and cause deep scratches.

    ②When changing to a different type of sandpaper, the polishing direction should be changed from 45° to 90°, so that the streaks and shadows left by the previous type of sandpaper after polishing can be distinguished. Before changing to a different type of sandpaper, you must carefully wipe the polishing surface with 100% pure cotton dipped in a cleaning solution such as alcohol, because a small grit left on the surface will destroy the entire subsequent polishing work. This cleaning process is equally important when changing from sandpaper polishing to diamond paste polishing. Before polishing can continue, all particles and kerosene must be completely cleaned.

    ③In order to avoid scratches and burns on the surface of the workpiece, special care must be taken when polishing with #1200 and #1500 sandpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a light load and use a two-step polishing method to polish the surface. When polishing with each type of sandpaper, polishing should be done twice along two different directions, and each rotation between the two directions is 45°~90°.



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